An Introduction to the Healthy Path Foundation

Here at the Healthy Path Foundation, we can simplify our objective in one word: education. We have a passion for positive lifestyles, and we endeavor to promote these choices through education and prevention. More specifically, we believe that these habits are formed through education, especially for our children who are most susceptible to these efforts.
Our Healthy Path family currently consists of our president, Dr. Marla Loughran, vice president Conrad Schweizer, our committee members Lisette Ardovini, Jessica Leo, and Natasia Brienza, and our medical advisors, Dr. Michael Gabriel and Dr. Peter Sanfilippo. Together, we cultivate years of medical and therapeutic experience as well as a passion to revolutionize our society’s healthy habits.
What many people don’t know is that some of the most common childhood epidemics are actually linked to a number of environmental and nutritional factors. I’m sure you know at least one person that suffers or has suffered in the past from asthma. There are 6.8 million children in this country that live with this condition. What you likely didn’t realize is that asthma can be controlled and even prevented through proper diet and the minimization of toxin exposure. These factors are also linked to childhood obesity, developmental disorders (such as autism), allergies, and Type 2 Diabetes, just to name a few.
However, nutrition and toxin exposure are not the only two factors that we have identified as harmful. Genetics also play a big role in these illnesses. We aspire to help educate people about how genetics actually work, how to identify and link these genetic factors, and even how to manipulate them in a way that is beneficial to the afflicted child.
Many people also do not realize that so many of their children’s and their own health problems are greatly affected by these environmental and nutritional factors. Here at the Healthy Path Foundation, we have come to see that the most critical age to target for prevention of health issues begins before conception and goes up to two years of age. With thin in mind, we want to help you become more aware of these factors and teach you what you can do as parents, educators, friends, and family members to help promote a better lifestyle for all.
We run many events throughout the year to help raise money for our cause. All proceeds and donations goes towards this educational and research-based initiative to set a ‘New Standard’ of care for families in today’s world, as well as for patients who are in need of critical intervention. We hope you will join us in making a happy, healthy lifestyle a reality for our current and future generations!